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Tutor Spotlight

Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.

Jun Nam


Hong Kong International School

I believe that engaging with students on a personal level, building a deep connection, and using that familiarity to strive for growth is essential. The answers will always be there - but a student's willingness or motivation to learn might not. As such, I aim to assist all students from the formulaic, memorization aspect of education to the mental fluidity and accountability that one builds through their journey. I truly emphasise the success of the students above all else, as I believe that is the most important.






Zachary Berkenkotter


Wesleyan University

My tutoring approach centers on promoting deep understanding, problem-solving skills, and resilience in my students. I achieve this through a balanced combination of direct explanations and thoughtful questioning, ensuring that my students can confidently apply their knowledge in unfamiliar situations. I firmly believe that with enough time and the right, positive learning attitude, anyone can learn anything. My goal is to empower my students with this belief in themselves, fostering a sense of self-confidence and a passion for learning that extends beyond the classroom.






Wesley Tan


Dartmouth College

My tutoring approach is centered around fostering a deep understanding of fundamental concepts rather than relying on rote memorization. I believe that every student is unique, and I tailor my teaching methods to suit individual learning styles and needs. My sessions are interactive and engaging, encouraging students to ask questions and think critically. I use a variety of teaching techniques, including real-world applications, visual aids, and practice problems, to make the material more relatable and easier to grasp.

In a typical session, I start by reviewing previous lessons to reinforce learning and address any lingering questions. I then introduce new topics in a structured and comprehensive manner, breaking down complex concepts into manageable parts. Throughout the session, I encourage active participation and provide immediate feedback to ensure understanding. I also assign targeted practice exercises to reinforce learning and track progress.

My goal is to build confidence and self-sufficiency in my students, helping them achieve academic success while making learning an enjoyable and enriching experience. By creating a supportive and positive learning environment, I aim to inspire a genuine interest in the subject matter and a lifelong love of learning.

Nadia Miller


Bowdoin College

My teaching philosophy centers on making complex concepts accessible and engaging for students. I am committed to explaining ideas in ways that resonate with each individual, and adapt my teaching style to accommodate diverse learning preferences. Above all, I aim to instill my own passion for learning in my students, inspiring them to embrace curiosity and discovery as lifelong pursuits.

Dhruv Leekha


Oxford University

My personal philosophy towards tutoring is built on two pillars: a results-oriented approach and building connections to the real-world. More so than a conventional school teacher, the role of a tutor is to create a student's 'path-to-victory' — understanding the student's road to success on tests/exams, identifying obstacles along that route, and solving them. In that sense, I believe in starting exam preparation earlier rather than later (as the skills this training builds are useful across the course). I understand that not every student needs to master every subject and embrace this reality by focusing on results more than a typical educational system.

When I do introduce a content or strategies that extend beyond the scope of an exam, it's done because I either believe that this student wants to excel in the subject long-term, or to introduce illustrations of concepts that will help students better their understanding. The way in which I excelled in Economics, Politics and many of my other courses involved learning outside of the classroom (through activities like debating, Model UN, and my own experiences as a tutor).






Marcus Fong


University of Cambridge

With both standardized and AP tests, I often encourage my students to look beyond the content. I use questions beyond the test level to solidify my students' understanding and often ask them to explain concepts in their own words such that they can think about topics coherently in their own words.Following the supervision system Cambridge employs, I often lead students through more of a discussion, talking about topics in different ways to ensure their understanding and linking separate topics in such a way that they all mould together. Only when I feel that my students' understanding is at an appropriate level do I begin to present them with practice questions. By that point, these questions are second nature to them.






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