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Tutor Spotlight

Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.

Caitlin Lam


Star Tutor

Northeastern University

Before classes, I make sure to prep myself and organize a routine/schedule for what I will be doing with my students for that session. I also ensure to include breaks in between sessions especially for younger students as they tend to have shorter attention spans. Instead of just pure teaching I also make sure to make classes interactive. I give them a space to voice their opinions, ask questions, and learn how to apply what they've learned to real-life situations/scenarios. My experience in studying psychology has also taught me effective study techniques like spaced practice, retrieval practice, and many others which I would share with my students.

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  • Tell us about your child's learning needs. The more we know, the better we can match your child with the most suitable tutor.

Get matched to your ideal tutor

  • Based on your request, we will match you with your ideal tutor. You will receive comprehensive details about the tutor, including their qualifications and experience, allowing you to assess their background and make an informed decision before moving forward.

Begin your tutoring journey

  • We'll match you with a tutor. Your first lesson comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. You’ll only pay if you decide to continue with the tutoring sessions

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