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Tutor Spotlight

Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.

Valeria Martos


Star Tutor

French International School of Hong Kong

I believe that students learn most effectively when they engage with the material through interactive methods, such as flashcards, games, or mind maps. In my classes, I break down content into manageable segments, allowing students to process the information more easily. We incorporate games with new vocabulary to help them become familiar with the words. If I notice that a student is becoming distracted or bored, I adapt my approach to reignite their interest. By taking the time to understand each student as an individual, I create a comfortable and supportive environment where they feel empowered to participate actively, ask questions, and take ownership of their learning. Through this dynamic, student-centered approach, I strive not only to help students master the subject matter but also to foster their critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall academic confidence.

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Matteo Tessaro


Star Tutor

Bocconi University

I think my greatest strength is my ability to personalise my teaching to the student. On one side, my strong academic background allows me to master all the topics, on the other side, the fact that I have recently graduated means I understand the student's point of view very well as I was in their shoes very recently. While I explain topics, I like to frequently check-in with the student to make sure he/she is understanding the explanations.

Super Tutor
Jun Nam


Star Tutor

Hong Kong International School

I believe that engaging with students on a personal level, building a deep connection, and using that familiarity to strive for growth is essential. The answers will always be there - but a student's willingness or motivation to learn might not. As such, I aim to assist all students from the formulaic, memorization aspect of education to the mental fluidity and accountability that one builds through their journey. I truly emphasise the success of the students above all else, as I believe that is the most important.

Super Tutor






Jack Openshaw


Star Tutor

University of California, Berkeley

For teaching English, I believe the key to improving is to practice writing. For younger students, I encourage them to enjoy creative writing about a subject they are passionate about. We then analyse if there are a pattern of mistakes that we need to work on, and we consciously work on them whilst progressing to more difficult writing prompts. For older students at the Year 12-Year 13 level, I believe practicing the exam format is the best way to achieve success. For teaching various humanities concepts, we first work to understand the concepts, and then practice the exam techniques for skill mastery.

Super Tutor
Nina Martin


Star Tutor

French International School

My philosophy is that confidence is key to enhancing comprehension and memorization, which is why I start sessions with a 5-10 minute brain starter to creat a productive and succesful mindset. I primarily use the Feynman Technique, where students assess their prior knowledge, refine their thoughts as we explore the topic, and simplify notes until they can explain the concept to a beginner. Guaranteeing full comprehension of complicated concepts and highlight small tricks and tips for reviewing. I believe that each student is unique and needs different types of support. Which is why I always end my sessions with a review and have students create three lists: what was learned, what used to be challenging but now understood, and what needs further attention. There are two reasons for this process: showing the student their progress and clear goals, as well as helping me see how I can adapt published resources in order to better suit and support my students. Personalising my resources is always my mission because there is no one size fits all in terms of education or tutoring.

Super Tutor
Nathan Li


Star Tutor

Hong Kong International School

In my tutoring approach, I like to help people understand the context and create a paradigm for understanding content. Whereas some tutors may just paraphrase a lecture, I believe in teaching students how to approach content and review it themselves through a paradigm rather than simply explaining the content and moving on. I also believe that this teaching style would not only equip students in understanding history and English assignments but approach all fields of academics and even some parts of life itself. The best way to teach (in my opinion) is to teach a man to fish, and not just give him one.

Super Tutor
Ethan Han


Star Tutor

Hong Kong International School

For Math-related subjects, many students aim to simply reach the correct answer to a question. Over my years of experience, I found that this approach seems to work at first - it is satisfying and assuring to students when they see a checkmark over the question they answered. However, once the question type changes even slightly (e.g. more words or numbers appear), I have seen many students get stuck. This is due to students not grasping the process and general concept of the topic. Getting the answer is great. But what is more important is truly capturing the essence and conceptual reasoning behind the answer. That is why for Math, I will stress concepts and understanding over getting the correct answer. In terms of subjects such as AP World History, the coursework can get overwhelming at times and many students fall behind and eventually get lost in the content. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, I will emphasize key points in reading and give tips and tricks on how to take notes more effectively. This way, students will be able to retain the knowledge they read for longer periods of time and feel more confident in their understanding. I will couple this with many of the best online resources I found over my year of taking AP World History and teach students the most effective approach to their learning. My purpose as a tutor is to make students holistically prepared for the AP exam without gaps in their learning.

Super Tutor
Alan Dong


Star Tutor

Hong Kong international School

Having spent years in public speech and debate, I have learned that breaking an idea down to its simplest terms with multiple viewpoints is the most effective way to convey a message. Looking at something from one angle sometimes doesn't allow complete concept comprehension. Because of this, my go-to teaching style is coming up with many ways of explaining the same thing to maximize the chance of grasping an idea. Having multiple ways to view one topic opens the mind to a deeper understanding and a complete enrichment in learning. To promote this, I let the students do the thinking while prompting them in the right direction when needed. I adapt to how students think and fit my teaching style with their pace and problem-solving conventions. I tailor-make every lesson for every student. Ultimately, it is my goal to encourage my students to make a habit out of approaching problems through multiple, and perhaps even unconventional, methods to always keep trying new things.

Super Tutor






Olivia Wu


Star Tutor

Emory University

With a teaching style centered on individualized instruction, I ensure that each student's unique needs and learning preferences are met. By tailoring lessons and approaches to suit their strengths, I aim to foster an environment where students feel empowered and motivated to excel. Going beyond the traditional student-teacher dynamic, I strive to establish a friendly rapport with my students, creating a comfortable and supportive atmosphere. By building meaningful connections, I believe in making learning a fun and enjoyable experience, encouraging students to actively participate, ask questions, and explore their full potential. With me as a tutor, students can expect a personalized and engaging learning journey that combines academic progress with the joy of education.

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