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Tutor Spotlight

Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.

Yui Yu Lam


Chinese International School

An important factor I always consider while teaching is making sure the student feels comfortable. This way it fosters a more positive learning environment, enhanced learning and more engagement with the subject.I strive to enhance the learning experience by making lessons more engaging and interactive, moving away from traditional lecturing methods. These activities include worksheets designed to stimulate critical thinking and interactive discussions all making sure that student fully comprehend the topics and concepts at hand.

Queenie Xuan


Hong Kong International School

My tutoring approach depends on the tutee's age, learning ability, and personality, offering a personalized approach for each student. I always like using fun and interactive activities to help students learn, breaking complex concepts into smaller pieces. Furthermore, I like forming a strong bond with students to understand them better and communicate more openly.

Ilan Rousseau


Bocconi University

Through my extensive tutoring experience, I sharpened a capacity to tailor my teaching to each student. By establishing a human dimension which makes the tutoring more gratifying, I ensure ensure that my students never feel disoriented or alienated when they struggle to work through material. To that end, I use custom strategies to guarantee students grasp the reasoning behind the concepts, instead of force feeding them knowledge. I am also a firm believer in the importance of learning by doing, and I thus accompany sessions with exercises, paying attention to the methodology used by the student to work through them.






Sunny Lee


Johns Hopkins University

My tutoring approach is centered on providing personalized, student-centered support. I believe each learner has unique strengths, challenges, and learning preferences, so I tailor my methods accordingly. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, I work closely with students to deeply understand their goals, assess their current knowledge and skills, and develop customized strategies to help them achieve their objectives.






Isabelle Whitson


Hong Kong International School

As a tutor, I believe in building a strong interpersonal connection with my clients, fostering a open environment where they feel comfortable in order to foster the most optimal learning environment.  Different students learn in different ways, and as a tutor, I value catering to each person's specific needs and helping them have the most enjoyable experience possible.

Nadia Miller


Bowdoin College

My teaching philosophy centers on making complex concepts accessible and engaging for students. I am committed to explaining ideas in ways that resonate with each individual, and adapt my teaching style to accommodate diverse learning preferences. Above all, I aim to instill my own passion for learning in my students, inspiring them to embrace curiosity and discovery as lifelong pursuits.

Asha Gill


University of Edinburgh

In general, my aim is to make learning both interesting and rigorous for students so they can simultaneously achieve the results they want while also developing a curiosity for the subject. I enjoy getting to know my students as individuals and learners so I can support them to the best of my ability by tailoring my teaching approach to their unique needs. In a typical session, I will try to address any gaps in their current knowledge of the course material using both school-provided and private resources, before returning to reinforce those concepts at a later session.






Yonsu  Park


Hong Kong International School

My main goal is to encourage students to be passionate about what they’re learning. I do this by creating lesson plans filled with fun reading and activities, and tailoring the lesson to the students unique interests. My teaching style is interactive. I often engage students in thoughtful conversation to help them develop their ideas or understanding. When tutoring English, I help students develop a solid foundation of knowledge. I often work with students to review parts of speech and types of sentences. With older students, I help them improve the cohesion and clarity of their writing.

Peter Yoon


Hong Kong International School

Throughout my academic journey, I've encountered my fair share of ineffective tutors who failed to teach me effectively. I've also had tutors who, although knowledgeable, made me develop a dislike for the subjects I was learning. Now, as I step into the role of a tutor myself, my goal is to not only provide effective teaching but also serve as a positive mentor for my students.To achieve this, I recognize the importance of adapting to each student's unique needs and learning style, rather than imposing a rigid, one-size-fits-all approach. By tailoring my teaching methods to the individual, I hope to create a sense of serenity and foster a genuine love for learning in my students. Building a strong mentor-student bond is equally important to me.However, while I strive to adapt and create a positive learning experience, I understand that there may be instances where a student's mindset clashes with our shared goal of learning. In such cases, I will maintain a firm approach while keeping their best interests in mind.Drawing on my avid interest in psychology and the knowledge I have gained, I will employ various strategies that not only help students reach their academic potential but also support their personal growth. Each session will typically begin with addressing any questions about the material and discussing any assigned homework. From there, I will proceed with the lesson plan prepared prior to the session.By combining my passion, knowledge, and adaptable teaching approach, I aim to empower students to not only excel academically but also unlock their full potential as individuals.

Gaile Ng


Wesleyan University

When it comes to teaching, especially in a tutoring setting, it is crucial to build a collaborative partnership with my student. As mentioned in my biography, I feel that education should be something that excites students. So I tend to open my lessons by getting to know my student, to gain a better understanding of what type of learner they are and ultimately try to connect their genuine interests to their education. Beyond forming a collaborative partnership with the student, I also try to work with their parents to gain a better understanding of what they are hoping to get out of these lessons. Whether it simply be better grades or study habits, I always do my best to satisfy my clients needs. I also try to make myself available through email with my students, so they can communicate any queries they may have outside of designated class times. As I understand that an hour or two every week may not be sufficient.






Beatrice  Lam


Hong Kong International School

In my tutoring sessions, I employ a friendly and personalized approach focused on active, hands-on learning. Rather than passive lecturing, I strive to engage students through interactive activities, real-world examples, and collaborative problem-solving. Drawing on my knowledge of child development and learning psychology gained from taking AP Psychology, I carefully tailor my teaching methods to the unique needs and learning styles of each student. For some, that may mean providing more visual aids and kinesthetic exercises, while for others, it involves breaking down concepts into manageable steps or incorporating their interests and hobbies. By taking the time to understand my students as individuals, I am able to create a comfortable, supportive environment where they feel empowered to actively participate, ask questions, and take ownership of their learning. Through this dynamic, student-centered approach, I aim to not only help students master the subject matter, but also cultivate their critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall academic confidence.

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