


Boost your grades by learning from your expert peers!

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Tutor Spotlight

Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.

Sage Epling


Hong Kong International School

My tutoring approach is very much tailored to each individual student. Everyone has a style that they like to learn with and I want to figure out that style first and foremost before we begin. Once we start tutoring I try and work using the style students like, whether it be showing a sample question and explaining how to solve it and letting them try it out or walking through step by step. Along with teaching the specified material, I teach techniques on how to approach new problems or topic so they can apply it to future work and subjects.

Adison Chow


Hong Kong International School

I specifically chose to be a TA for Advanced Algebra due to the challenge it gives me to explain complicated numbers and formulas in approachable ways for students with varying senses and strengths in numeracy and math. I understand that students have different levels of background knowledge, and I always quickly adapt to their level of knowledge and learning preferences. If possible, I always explain difficult concepts in numerous relatable ways and teach multiple approaches that students can use to tackle specifically difficult problems. Through being a swim instructor, I have adopted the teaching style of focusing on the small details in students' learning and making lessons fun and enjoyable.

Lucas Sullivan


Harvey Mudd College

As a tutor, I like to teach with practical application in mind and have students learn with the intent of having a better understanding of not just their syllabus, but the world around them. I believe that effective teaching uses examples and analogies, which I always incorporate in my instruction. Lastly, I think that students should be taught with the latest technology in order to have the best comprehension of their subject and so I educate exposing students to the most modern tools used in whichever discipline.






Haley Munoz


Harvard University

As a tutor, my goal is to create a comfortable, enjoyable, and engaging learning environment. I hope to support my students in every way possible.

Justin Curico


Harvard University

In my teaching philosophy, I prioritize student engagement, personalized learning, and fostering meaningful relationships to create an enjoyable and effective learning environment. I believe in breaking down complex problems into digestible chunks and drawing parallels to real-life scenarios to enhance understanding. My approach involves explaining content from various perspectives and approaches, catering to different learning styles and preferences. During a typical session, I begin by assessing the student's strengths, weaknesses, and learning style preferences. I then tailor the session accordingly, incorporating interactive discussions, visual aids, and hands-on activities to reinforce concepts. I adapt my teaching techniques based on the student's response and feedback, ensuring that each session is productive and engaging. By building a rapport with my students and creating a supportive atmosphere, I strive to instill confidence and enthusiasm for learning while helping them achieve their academic goals.






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  • Tell us about your child's learning needs. The more we know, the better we can match your child with the most suitable tutor.

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  • Based on your request, we will match you with your ideal tutor. You will receive comprehensive details about the tutor, including their qualifications and experience, allowing you to assess their background and make an informed decision before moving forward.

Begin your tutoring journey

  • We'll match you with a tutor. Your first lesson comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. You’ll only pay if you decide to continue with the tutoring sessions

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